During Prohibition, the thirsty drank almost anything they could get their hands on, as long as it carried a kick. But Al Capone preferred rye, especially that from Templeton, Iowa. Which is why Templeton Rye’s featured in Sunday’s season two premier of Boardwalk Empire.

It’s hard to say where the product will pop up, but given how important bootlegged hooch is to the story line, it could be a significant placement. And for good reason. Templeton was considered “the good stuff” in the 1920s, and its modern incarnation also gets good reviews.
Tastings.com promises “creamy vanilla custard, cola nut, spicy caramelized nuts, and honeyed rye toast flavors,” and it received a gold medal from the 2010 San Francisco World Spirits Tasting. The Intoxicologist has a taste for Templeton, as does San Francisco, judging from Alcademics.
That said, I haven’t had it myself, because it isn’t distributed in Kansas or Missouri (although it is occasionally available from Binny’s Beverage Depot, which will ship to Missouri).
So what does that leave us poor Kansas Citians with? Boulevard Brewing’s Rye-on-Rye, a Smokestack limited release due out in March. The ale’s brewed with two kinds of malted rye, then mellowed in used Templeton rye whiskey barrels.
I’m sure fans of Boardwalk Empire won’t hesitate to tune in Sunday. Me? I might just DVR it, and then have my own reverse launch party for Rye-on-Rye. But I don’t know. I wonder what Al would do?